Es ist so stark, dass du selber eine Keys to Freedom Gruppe leiten und damit für Menschen einen Raum schaffen möchtest, in der Freiheit Gottes zu leben.

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Das Keys to Freedom Guide Training richtet sich speziell an diejenigen, die Keys to Freedom bei sich zu Hause, in Kirchen, Gefängnissen oder anderen Gemeinschaften als Gruppe oder eins:eins durchführen möchten. Dieses Training ist die einzige Möglichkeit, das Keys to Freedom Guide Handbuch zu erhalten und fortlaufend Unterstützung und Coaching durch Mercy Beyond zu bekommen

Gerade in der aktuellen Situation ist es für viele Menschen ganz besonders schwer, mit anderen Menschen in Verbindung zu bleiben. Deshalb könnte es durchaus auch eine Möglichkeit sein, eine Keys to Freedom Gruppe über eine Videoplattform oder per Telefon zu begleiten.

Das erwartet dich in dem Training:

  • Du erhältst praktische und essentielle Schlüssel für deine erfolgreiche Vorbereitung
  • Du bekommst einen Überblick über das Keys to Freedom Modell
  • Du lernst den Unterschied zwischen einem Guide und einem Leiter kennen
  • Du bist vertraut mit individuellen Herausforderungen, denen Menschen auf ihrer Reise in die Freiheit begegnen können.

Are you ready to transform?
Are you ready to defeat the enemy?

So läuft das Ganze ab

Du kannst sofort mit dem Training loslegen und bekommst alle relevanten Informationen, um eine Keys to Freedom Gruppe zu begleiten. Sollten dir während des Trainings Fragen kommen, kannst du dich jederzeit an uns wenden.

Hear from our past students…

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

„I was so glad I found the course and it sure worked for me. I had major objections in the beginning but decided to take a risk, and it ended up paying off big time!“

Toyin Kalu
Demo Site Sample Person 2

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

„Before the course I was in a tight spot with my problem. I was ready to make a change and am so glad I found this course. I got the result in 8 weeks and life is so much better.“

Kathy Johnson
Demo Site Sample Person 1

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

„I am a completely different person now after this course. I came for some tips and tactics, but this course ended up transforming who I was from the inside out.“

Rocco Balboa
Demo Site Sample Person 3

How It Works

Here’s what you get when you join the [course name] course.

✔ Lessons

Multimedia lessons so you can learn the key ideas, strategies and tactics fast

✔ Coaching

World class coaching to support you and challenge you on the path


A community of peers that totally „get“ you and can support you on the way

Course Curriculum



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Module 3: Third Milestone On Learning Path to Result


Next Steps


Become a Better You

We help individuals, organizations, and more achieve their goals. Here’s an overview of the primary students this course serves.

+ Segment 1

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+ Segment 2

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+ Segment 3

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Meet Your Instructor

Jane Von Ahnen

Jane’s origin story is right here. Daughter of William and Danielle , she went from humble beginnings in Middleton Wisconsin, persevering through lots of trials and tribulations… ultimately became successful against all odds.

Her superpowers come from her extensive morning routine, empath personality type, and her 100% commitment to her industry. She lives and breathes helping her learners get results.

Jane is like no other educator in the industry. Her method follows a 3 step process she has perfected through 2 decades getting results for herself and 5 years helping people just like you get results.

She has been there and done that. She’s here to accelerate your progress.

Choose a Plan

Invest In Yourself Today

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it work for me?

If you are serious, qualified, and ready to put some effort into it, then very likely yes!

When does the course start and finish?

This course is „evergreen“ and self-paced, which means you can enroll and begin at any time.

What do I do if I need help?

Email us anytime and come with questions to the weekly office hours calls.

What if I want a refund?

No problem. We stand behind our training 100%. Send us an email with your request.

When will I get access to the course?

After checkout, you will get full, instant access immediately.

Can I pay with PayPal?

Yes! When you go to check out you can pay with credit card or PayPal.

Now Is Your Time

Danger In Staying The Same Or Choosing The Wrong Guide…

⚠ More Of The Same

What happens if they keep doing the same thing trying to fix the problem?

⚠ Lost In The Wilderness

What happens if they choose the wrong people or company to help them?

Call To Adventure—It’s Time To Decide

Will you join us on a journey that 17,005 people just like you have undertaken with great success through our unique method and incredible support?

100% No-Risk Guarantee

Your purchase is backed by our 30-day 100% money back „Love It or Leave It“ guarantee